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I'm Lucy, Violet Jordan's founder. I'm often asked where the name Violet Jordan came from. Violet Jordan (Viv) was my late grandmother (in law). She was a lady who epitomised the pearl of wisdom that "you are only as old as you feel". She lived until her 90's without ever getting old. Even in her later years, she could pass for 60. People always asked her secret. Good genes, healthy living? Hardly! Violet was fond of saying she would rather knock over a church than a drink. It was her energy for life, humour and positive outlook that kept her feeling, and looking, young. I started Violet Jordan for ladies just like her. The one's who aren't getting older, but getting better. The one's who feel wiser and happier with age. The one's who understand that fewer lines and softer skin is no replacement for the experience and confidence that comes with age. Thousands of these fantastic women have already joined us. We look forward to welcoming you too. Take care Lucy xx
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