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There are 3 types of carbon used for air filtration; Pelletized, Coconut and Granulated. Pelletized carbon is produced by burning coal and processing it into tiny rods. These are then broken up and distributed through the filter. This method is probable the worst carbon to use in air filtration. The process of creating the pelletized carbon involves the carbon been crushed in to pencil like structures then bonding agents are added to hold the pellet together this collapses the pores structure which in turn makes the carbon less affective as the organic microbes cannot be absorbed by the carbon. Because of the small pores size of the palletized carbon it will only be re activated to about 50% or less which in turn affects the absorption rate. Also pelletized carbon contains a large percentage of ash. Coconut carbon is produced by burning coconut fibres. This produces carbon with a greater surface area than coal but with much higher ash content and higher moisture levels. Ash is a "dead" material within the carbon and offers no benefit to the user, coconut carbon carries around 20% ash with a 5% moisture level, this high moisture level detracts from the overall adsorption of the filter. This carbon only has about a 12 month life span and is very ineffective. Most granulated carbon is produced by burning coal but it is left unprocessed this gives you the virgin granulated carbon used in Smell Away storage filters. This carbon has very low ash content less than 13%. The carbon is almost magnetic to the organic compounds in air (odours).

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