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The use of printed business cards can have a negative environmental impact and result in excessive costs for consumers due to the tendency for overprinting and the need for reprints. Our digital business card solution promotes sustainability, offers cost-saving benefits, and enhances connection opportunities through its incorporation of technological innovation. How? - How Quaz.me is achieving its results? The substitution of traditional, printed business cards with our digital alternative eliminates the requirement for excessive bulk purchasing and reprinting, conserves valuable resources by reducing waste, and modernizes the business card to align with the digital era through the integration of interactive communication features. What? - What is the product/nature of the product Quaz.me provides? Our digital business card solution facilitates information sharing through the utilization of a custom-generated QR code which can be easily scanned with any compatible device. The application provides users with the ability to store and manage their contact information in real time, incorporating diverse elements such as identification checks, social media profiles, website links, and even a personalized video introduction. Who? - Who is Quaz.me ideal user? Our digital business card is designed to cater to individuals and organizations that utilize traditional, printed business cards. This solution is ideal for businesses that prioritize innovation and sustainability, as well as individuals seeking to establish a positive initial impression and build lasting professional relationships.

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