Cash back discounts at Patrol Store was launched in May 2007 offering kit, clothing and equipment to individuals in the Police, Military and Security Industry. Using the staff knowledge and experience as former Police Officers, Military Personnel and Private Security Operators PatrolStore developed a specialist range of products designed to provide the ultimate in functionality and performance for any tactical situation. Our unique selection of products, combined with our strong focus on customer service and competitive pricing has seen PatrolStore grow rapidly to quickly establish a trusted name within the law enforcement and armed forces communities. Now offering an ever increasing range across the UK and Europe PatrolStore caters for individuals, through team leaders and devolved budget heads to government procurement contracts. Even if you can't see an item listed on our website we can source goods quickly and economically from around the world for you. If you need advice, or have any questions or queries about the products you see, or don't see, on our website please contact us on 0800 999 4411 or email and one of our friendly and knowledgeable customer services team will be happy to assist you.
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