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Sustainability is at the forefront of everything we do. From the materials we source to our artisan’s working conditions, MATILDE ensures that all of our products and partners uphold the same values, working together to create the finest sustainable jewellery. Transparency is essential in making fine jewellery fair, enabling us to offer accessibly priced pieces without the usual markups. So whether it’s good news or bad news, you’ll hear it openly and honestly from us. Fairness is our ultimate goal. With no shortcuts or easy routes, fairness is the sum of all of its parts; by championing sustainability and transparency, MATILDE succeeds in creating the most beautiful fine jewellery in the fairest way possible.
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Payment: £ 25
Webshops: 2782
Avg. cashback: 37.1%
+ £ 6,50
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Payment: £ 25
Webshops: 2782
Avg. cashback: 37.1%
+ £ 6,50
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